
Make a Wish, Tie a Twine

Since birthdays only come once a year, and shooting stars are challenging to catch due to urban light pollution, there are precious few valid opportunities to make a wish. Unless, of course, you live in our covenant-free neighborhood and happen across the Wishing Arch.

Some kind and quirky soul constructed an arch out of branches, installed it over the gate into their side yard, dubbed it "The Wishing Arch", and thusly facilitated thousands of wishes. While it is aesthetically more like a woolly pachyderm, in spirit it is quite lovely, moving, and somehow very touching. There is something beautifully human-scaled about this project. Each knot was hand tied, by one single person, as they paused on their walk. Each twist of string is a tiny physical token of a single person's longing. Each knot is one single little hope, one single little wish, one single little bit of proof that someone is hoping for something better.

Send me your wish, and I'll be thrilled to go tie it on to the Wishing Arch.

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