
Big banana, cave with bats

Ian eats a big banana.

Another Bocas day. . .when it isn´t raining, we go out on adventures. When it is raining, I post things to the blog, or take naps. It is a good life! As our new Costa Rican friends say, "Pura Vida, man!"

We rode all the way across the island, which took about an hour or an hour and a half, to a lovely beach called Drago beach. Again, it looks just like a big ol´ lame postcard.

The beach was kind of boring. It was like a big, cool, salty bathtub with a swath of golden sand, fringed by palm trees and tropical greenery. BOOOORING! You would have totally hated it. The sun was too bright and the sky was so blue it hurts your eyes. It was not nice in the least.

Beach boringness aside, we (meaning Ian) explored a cave. About half-way across the island, there is a lovely natural cave, with stalagtites and stalagmites and a clear little stream flowing from deep in the cave. The stream flows out through the greenery speckled with butterflies and hummingbirds, and flows down little burbling waterfalls. There is a lovely little path down to the cave, and two very beautiful, flower strewn statues of Mary outside the entrance. Ian, being the awesome caver and good Catholic that he is, went into Mary´s cave. I, being the lover of open, non-cave spaces, went in part way, got claustrophobic, and left.

The picture of me shows pretty much exactly how I felt about the cave. What is so awesome is that I was not making a face for the camera. I really looked that way.

I turned around, Ian kept going and found a bunch of bats.

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